Other Than Motherhood
A "feelings-based" podcast that seeks to expand the discourse around the decision to be childfree and an exploration on the influences and messages that impact our thinking, and all of the possibilities of a life that is other than motherhood. This Podcast series focuses on bringing unique perspectives and interrogating the difficult questions, as well as elevating the importance of identity for women who do not choose to become mothers.
Other Than Motherhood
Friendship Recipes for Introverts
in this week's episode, I am speaking to Maggie Dickens, creator of Unapologetically Childfree and a childfree community champion. In this episode, Maggie talks about the secrets to finding and forging connections with your childfree people and gives out some sage life advice for the more introverted types among us1
Maggie’s Instagram: unapologeticallychildfree.com/instagram
Information about going to Bali with Maggie and other Childfree people: unapologeticallychildfree.com/bali (Black Friday deals Nov 28-Dec 6)
Unapologetically Childfree™️ Meetup group: unapologeticallychildfree.com/meetup
Rae’s childfree community/compound IRL (in building stage): instagram.com/cf.raeofsunshine