Other Than Motherhood

A Christmas Compilation

Elizabeth Joy Season 1 Episode 21

An end of year compilation of some of Other Than Motherhood Season #1 best bits. This is by no means exhaustive, but is a sample of some of my favourite moments and soundbites from the last 20 episodes. Special thanks once again to all of my featured guests: 

Laura Carroll, www.lauracarroll.com. @lauracarroll88
Emma Duval -  Childfree History Museum - Childfreehistory.com @millenialemma @Childfreehistorymuseum
Amie - Living the Spinster Life - @livingthespinsterlife
Helen Thompson - @audacious_and_childfree
Margaret - Are Kids for Me?  www.arekidsforme.ie @arekidsforme
Kelsey - Diary of the Childfree - @diaryofthechildfree
Shweta - @childfreebuddysmum 
Angela Gentile - Empowered Millennials - www.theangelagentile.com @theempoweredmillenials
Caitlin Durante -  Caitlindurante.com @caitlindurante @bechdelcast
Ali Hall -  abnormallynormal.substack.com @alirunswrite  

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Other Than Motherhood! 

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